Figure 13:
From the Froissart Chroniqules

Figure 14:
Anglo-Scottish War: the English crossing the Tyne,
(BNF, FR 2643) Jean Froissart, Chronicles, fol. 18 Flandres, Bruges 15th

Figure 15:
Battle of Cassel: the French combat the Flemish (1328).
(BNF, FR 2643) Jean Froissart, Chronicles fol. 28v
Flandres, Bruges 15th Century.

Figure 16:
Charles of Blois, duke of Brittany, is taken prisoner at the Battle of La
Roche-Derrien (1347).
(BNF, FR 2643) Jean Froissart, Chronicles fol. 180
Flandres, Bruges 15th Century

Figure 17:
Edward III of England besieging Reims (1359/60).
(BNF, FR 2643) Jean Froissart, Chronicles fol. 253
Flandres, Bruges 15th Century.

Figure 18:
The French lay siege to Duras (1377).
(BNF, FR 2644) Jean Froissart, Chronicles fol. 9
Flandres, Bruges 15th Century

Figure 19:
Jousts of Saint Inglevert.
(BNF, FR 2646) Jean Froissart, Chronicles fol. 43v
Flandres, Bruges 15th Century

Figure 20:
Before an assembly of French and English nobles, Charles VI entrusts to an
English envoy his daughter, Isabella of France, betrothed to King Richard
II of England.
(BNF, FR 2646) Jean Froissart, Chronicles fol. 245v
Flandres, Bruges 15th Century

Figure 21:
Genoese besieging Mahdia, in Tunisia (1390).
(BNF, FR 2646) Jean Froissart, Chronicles fol. 79
Flandres, Bruges 15th Century.

Figure 22:
Bertrand du Guesclin laying siege to Brest (1373).
(BNF, FR 2643) Jean Froissart, Chronicles fol. 410 Flandres, Bruges 15th

Figure 23:
Castilians besiege Lisbon (1384).
BNF, FR 2645 Jean Froissart, Chronicles fol. 1 Flandres, Bruges 15th

Figure 24:
Roalès besieged by the English (1387).
(BNF, FR 2645) Jean Froissart, Chronicles fol. 132 Flandres, Bruges 15th

Figure 25:
Massacre of the Christian prisoners taken in the Battle of Nicopol, in the
presence of the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid I.
(BNF, FR 2646) Jean Froissart, Chronicles fol. 255v Flandres, Bruges 15th

Figure 26:
A 15th century illumination from the Life and Times of Henry V

Figure 27:
A 15th century manuscript illustration of the 1377 siege of the French
castle Mortagne on the Gironde by Owain of Wales.

Figure 28:
A 15th century illumination of "The Meal of King Arthur" from
Livre de Messire Lancelot du Lac