
11 July: The morning was spent touring Orvieto - the Duomo, Palazzo Publico, Quartiere Vecchio,  and St. Patrick's Well. 

View over the walls (203kb) A drawbridge hinge (321kb)  Etruscan Vase (130kb)
Vase description (87kb) Etruscan Vase (86kb) Etruscan burial chamber paintings (135kb)
Cool windows (140kb) ??? monument (194kb) Tapestry in the Orvieto duomo (139kb)
Arched Ceiling decoration in duomo (348kb) Wall painting (271kb) Frescoe (195kb)
 A really cool fresco of a feast (240kb) More Frescoes (177kb) More frescoes (176kb)
Tarythe and Lavender at the bottom of St Patrick's well (179kb) Racing up the well (237kb) The tired Eyer family near the top of the well (305kb)

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