Various sites in Paris

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After the Louvre, we went to the Arc d'Triumph.


The Arc d'Triumph. (187kb)


A straight on shot.  (163kb)  

We then went north to see the Basilique of St. Denis.


One of the rose windows. (393kb)


The inside of the church. (238kb)


Another shot. (246kb)


The other rose window. (396kb) Beatrice de Bourbon.  (229kb)


Another shot of Beatrice. (283kb)
Info on Beatrice statue. (59kb) A close up of the plaque belt. (235kb) Another rose window shot. (393kb)


A cool medieval tiled image in the chapel. (428kb) Another shot of the tiled image. (429kb)


Info on the tiled image. (59kb)

After leaving the basilique, we went to see the Eiffel Tower.


A view from the Eiffel Tower, looking west towards the Military College. (271kb) A view of the Louvre from the Eiffel Tower. (281kb) A view of towards Notre Dame (in the middle of the picture).  (259kb)


A view to the northwest from the Eiffel Tower, overlookin the Seine.  (328kb) A view east across the Seine from the Eiffel at the Palais de Chaillot in the Place de Trocadéro.  (331kb)


Looking out onto the Seine.  The minature "Statue of Liberty" is on the end of the island. (292kb)
Peter up in the Eiffel Tower. (245kb) Another shot of Peter in the Tower.  (233kb) Peter overlooking the Seine River from the Eiffel Tower. (247kb)


Looking down of the Eiffel Tower. (168kb) Looking down again. (204kb) Looking out on the Seine.  You can just see the miniature "Statue of Liberty" on the end of that island. (216kb)


Looking across the Rive Seine. (252kb)


Another shot of Peter.  (184kb)


Hard to see, but a shot of the "elevator driver" statue that most folks miss.  (168kb)
A shot of the Eiffel Tower, as we went to supper. (257kb)    

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